Tuesday, January 28, 2014


As you can see, Al is a bear made by Axtel Expressions. Al is one of my older puppets, and is always a hit with children and adults alike. He especially loves to give bear hugs to all who need one. Having a keen nose for the smell of food, Al is just about always hungry. He especially loves honey. Believe it or not, Al is the singer of The Gang. The others try, but none compare to Al's rich bass voice.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Meet Circus

As an amateur ventriloquist I have limited time to do all that I would like to do in promoting my puppet ministry. One of my goals for the new year is to update my promotional materials and to start a blog. The first thing I will do is introduce you to my gang.
This is Circus. He was made by Kem Poyner. I was fortunate to buy him on ebay for much less than a new figure costs. As his name suggests, Circus is always full of fun. Sometimes his interpretation of Bible stories is a bit skewed, but always convey the correct truth. As you can see by his outfit, he is a fan of Andy from Toy Story, and loves to watch old westerns.